This speech therapy homework is ONE PAGE for SEVEN DAYS! Your students will love to color the daily pictures as they practice. Easy for print-n-go access to send home for carryover. Perfect for all year long!
This resource currently includes the following areas listed below. As new sheets are added, you will get them for FREE!
- ALL sounds in ALL positions (including blends!)
- Backing, fronting, stopping, vowelization, affrication, deaffrication, alveolrization, depalatization, labialization, assimilation, denasalization, final consonant devoicing, prevocalic voicing, cluster reduction, final consonant deletion, weak syllable deletion, epenthesis, and initial consonant deletion
*MINIMAL PAIRS VERSION (51 total pages, broken into individual sound pairs)
- Nouns (expressive and receptive), categories (expressive and receptive), same/different, colors (expressive and receptive), shapes (expressive and receptive), size (expressive and receptive), spatial concepts (expressive and receptive), emotions (expressive and receptive), yes/no, plurals, irregular plurals, object function (expressive and receptive), pronouns (expressive and receptive), verbs (expressive and receptive), who (expressive and receptive), what, where, and when
- Easy onsets. light contacts, slow speech, pausing, stretchy speech, syllable-timed speech, cancellation, pull-out, preparatory set, open-ended words, open-ended sentences, open-ended paragraphs
- phoneme identification, blending, segmentation, phoneme addition, phoneme deletion, phoneme substitution, rhyming, and onset-rime
- emotions, perspective taking, size of problem, identifying the problem, problem solving, tone of voice, initiating conversation, topic maintenance, taking turns in conversation, appropriate questions, answering personal questions, manners, appropriate behavior, and appropriate topics
- CVCV, CV, VC, CVC, CV1CV2, C1V1C2V2, 3-syllables, 4-syllables
How it works:
- Includes 7 days of the week.
- Student will practice target words/fluency techniques/language concepts and color the pictures for that day of the week.
- Homework is finished when all days are completed!
As always, please contact me with any questions at erin@speechtea.com.
Thank you so much!
Erin Larsen
Let's connect!