Keep these handy cards ready to go to target articulation, language, fluency, and more in multiple levels. Perfect to laminate and put on a ring for grab and go use for the busy SLP! This is a money saving GROWING bundle!
This bundle includes:
- Articulation Drill Cards
- Language Drill Cards
- Phonological Processes Drill Cards
- Apraxia Drill Cards (coming soon)
- Pragmatic Language Drill Cards
- Phonological Awareness Drill Cards
- Fluency Drill Cards
- Grammar Drill Cards
- Literacy Drill Cards
- Winter Speech and Language Drill Cards
- Spring Speech and Language Drill Cards
- Summer Speech and Language Drill Cards
- Fall Speech and Language Drill Cards
(Note: All activities are included in The Speech Therapy Toolbox)
Articulation Drill Cards
- Levels: phoneme, syllable, word, phrase, and sentence (all on one page!)
- Sounds Included: P, B, T, D, F, V (all positions only), K, G, M, N, R (initial, medial, all positions), Vocalic R (all positions only), L, W (initial only), H (initial only), S, Z, SH, CH, TH, J, S Blends, R Blends (initial, medial, all positions), L Blends (initial, medial, all positions)
- Cards: 4 cards per phoneme (unless otherwise noted): initial position, medial position, final position, and all positions.
- Data pages
Language Drill Cards
- Includes: visuals, picture representations, lists, interactive pages, and more.
- Concepts Included: spatial concepts, size, emotions, plurals, irregular plurals, object functions, pronouns (he/she/they), action verbs, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, WH questions (pictures, lists, and interactive cards), yes/no questions, and following directions (1 and 2-step)
- Data pages
Phonological Process Drill Cards
- Levels: auditory discrimination (or alternative visuals), syllable, word, phrase, and sentence levels on one page!
- Phonological Processes Included: final consonant deletion, fronting, gliding, consonant cluster reduction, weak syllable deletion, stopping, backing, vowelization, affrication, deaffrication, alveolirazation, depalatalization, labialization, assimilation, denasalization, final consonant devoicing, prevocalic voicing, initial consonant deletion, and epenthesis.
- Data pages
Phonological Awareness Drill Cards
- Targets: phoneme identification, phoneme blending, phoneme segmentation, syllable segmentation, phoneme addition, phoneme deletion, phoneme substitution, rhyming, and onset-rime.
- Visuals and data pages included
Pragmatic Language Drill Cards
- Targets: emotions, facial expressions, tone of voice, appropriate behavior, problem solving, perspective taking, manners, answering questions, asking questions, making comments, initiating conversation, taking turns in conversation, and topic maintenance.
Fluency Drill Cards
- Strategies Targeted: cancellation, pull-out, preparatory sets, easy onset, light contacts, slow speech, pausing, stretchy speech, and syllable-timed speech.
- Activities: types of disfluencies (description and matching activity), fluency shaping/stuttering modification techniques (description and matching activity), myth vs fact activity, student questionnaire, scenarios (emotions and problem solving), speech machine-interactive learn about activity, tips for smooth speech, smooth vs. bumpy I.D. activity, self-assess fluency activity, pacing activity, car activity (blank page also included), one-page picture targets (45 pictures per level-word, phrase, sentence), one-page word targets (45 targets per level-word, phrase, sentence), paragraphs (4 non-fiction passages for readers), real pictures for conversation (5), and answering personal questions activity.
Grammar Drill Cards
- Targets: regular plurals, irregular plurals, personal pronouns, objective pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, subject/verb agreement, regular past tense, and irregular past tense.
- Data pages
Seasonal Drill Cards
- Language Concepts Included: vocabulary, size, same/different, associations, categories, plurals/irregular plurals, object function, pronouns (he/she/they), action verbs, synonyms, antonyms, Wh- questions (what, where, why), yes/no questions, 1- and 2-step directions (**Also included are 4 visual cards for: size, spatial concepts, synonyms, synonyms, antonyms, same/different, and WH- questions).
- Articulation Sounds Included: p, b, t, d, s, z, k, g, r, l, j, ch, sh, s blends, r blends, l blends, CVC, 2-syllable, and 3-syllable words (10 themed words per sound covering all positions of words, blends include 20 target words. Note: these are word lists, not pictorial representations.)
- Phonological Processes Included: final consonant deletion, weak syllable deletion, consonant cluster reduction (s, r, l), stopping, fronting, backing, and gliding (10 themed target words per phonological process. Note: these are word lists, not pictorial representations.)
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As always, please contact me with any questions at erin@speechtea.com.
Thank you so much!
Erin Larsen
Let's connect!