Need pragmatic language tools for TEACHING and PRACTICING? grab and go units are your answer! Each unit includes teaching handouts, multileveled activities, task cards, short stories, and so much more, all leveled to meet your students social language needs.
This is a GROWING bundle! Meaning, buy now and get all future units for FREE!
Currently includes:
- perspective taking
- asking and answering questions
- problem solving
The perspective taking tool includes:
- visuals
- stating your own perspective (handout, practice, task cards, homework)
- others might think differently (handout, practice, homework)
- flexible thinking (handout, practice, task cards, homework)
- putting yourself in someone else’s shoes (handout, practice, task cards, homework)
- considering others’ emotions (handout, practice, task cards, homework)
- thinking of similar experiences (handout, practice, homework)
- respecting others’ perspective (handout, practice homework)
- comparing perspectives (handout, practice, task cards, homework)
The asking and answering questions tool includes:
- teaching handouts (8 included)
- identifying question types
- identifying appropriate vs. inappropriate questions
- creating questions
- keeping the conversation going
- matching
- picture scenes
- short stories (70+, 2 levels)
- task cards (360 cards + b&w version)
- real pictures
- home practice (20+ pages)
The problem solving tool includes:
- teaching handouts (7 included)
- note for the SLP
- visuals (strategy board and problem solving sequence)
- identifying problems picture scene activity
- identifying problems written practice
- thinking of solutions activity
- appropriate solutions activity
- solving problems picture scene activity
- solving problems matching activity
- solving problems written activities
- solving problems in social situations
- short stories
- task cards (2 levels, color and b&w)
- real picture task cards
- home practice
- blank templates for individualized use
*This resource is also included in The Speech Therapy Toolbox!*
As always, please contact me with any questions at erin@speechtea.com.
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