This speech therapy homework is ONE PAGE for SEVEN DAYS! Your students will love to color as they practice their social language skills daily. Easy for print-n-go access to send home for carryover. Perfect for all-year long!
This resource includes 51 total pages of the following targets:
- Fronting: T-K (initial, final), D-G (initial, final), SH-S, mixed practice
- Final Consonant Deletion: p, b, t, d, k, s, z, f, v, m, n, mixed practice
- Stopping: F-B, F-P, V-B, S-D, S-T, Z-D, SH-D, SH-T, CH-T, J-D, mixed practice
- Gliding: L-W, R-W, L-Y, mixed practice
- Consonant Cluster Reduction: SL-L, SK-K, SM-M, SN-N, SP-P, ST-T, SW-W, mixed S clusters, mixed R clusters, mixed L clusters
- Voicing: P-B, T-D, F-V, K-G, S-Z, mixed practice
How it works:
- Student will practice target and color the pictures for that day of the week.
- Homework is finished when all 7 days of the week are complete!
Want more phonology? Try these!
Phonological Processes Drill Cards
Phonological Processes Word Lists
As always, please contact me with any questions at erin@speechtea.com.
Thank you so much!
Erin Larsen
Let's connect!