ONE PAGE, SEVEN DAYS! Your students will love to color the daily Halloween-themed pictures as they practice their speech. Easy for print-n-go access to send home for carryover. Perfect practice for your students with persisting phonological processes.
This resource targets the following phonological processes:
- Backing
- Fronting
- Gliding
- Stopping
- Vowelization
- Affrication
- Deaffrication
- Depalatization
- Labialization
- Assimilation
- Denasalization
- Final Consonant Devoicing
- Prevocalic Voicing
- Cluster Reduction
- Final Consonant Deletion
- Initial Consonant Deletion
- Weak Syllable Deletion
- Epenthesis
* Also includes blank page to fill in your own target words*
How it works:
- Includes 10 target words per phonological process.
- Includes 7 coloring scenes corresponding to the days of the week.
- Student will practice target words and then color scene for that day of the week
- Homework is finished when all coloring scenes are completed!
As always, please contact me with any questions at erin@speechtea.com.
Thank you so much!
Erin Larsen
Let's connect!