Need a tool for TEACHING and PRACTICING asking and answering questions? This 130+ page pragmatic language tool is your answer! It includes teaching handouts, 30+ activities, 360 task cards, 70+ short stories, and so much more, all leveled to meet your students social language needs.
This tool includes 7 question types: who, what, where, when, why, how, which
This 130+ page tool addresses both TEACHING and PRACTICING asking and answering questions through the following activities:
- teaching handouts (8 included)
- identifying question types
- identifying appropriate vs. inappropriate questions
- creating questions
- keeping the conversation going
- matching
- picture scenes
- short stories (70+, 2 levels)
- task cards (360 cards + b&w version)
- real pictures
- home practice (20+ pages)
Perspective Taking: Teach and Practice
Pragmatic Language Drill Cards
As always, please contact me with any questions at erin@speechtea.com.
Thank you so much!
Erin Larsen
Let's connect!