Tips for Speech Therapy: Transitioning Back from Winter Break

Hey Speech friend! 👋🏼
I have bad news. 
But also, a solution! 
The bad news? 
We're eventually going to have to come back from the holiday break and resume services (while we're still processing all the celebrating that happened over those few weeks!)
But…I've figured out how to set myself (and you!) up for success when making that transition back to work 🙌🏼
I focus on finding ONE resource I can utilize for the vast majority (if not all!) of my caseload and adapt it or add activities to it. Having a tried and true material on hand makes these tough weeks a little bit easier! 
I would use my Winter Drill Cards since they target language, articulation, and phonological processes while keeping a cute winter theme present. Don't feel like using your break to print and laminate? No worries, you can use these digitally too! Simply pull them up on your iPad or device to use. 
I'll pair those cards with easy crafts or books that I have on hand. Here's a few ideas: 
Sensory Snow: 
(These are super cheap ingredients to grab at the Dollar Store, steal from your pantry, or throw in your grocery pickup!)
1. ½ cup of hair conditioner
2. 3 cups of baking soda
Mix this together slowly, then enjoy your new “snow”! Fun for making snowmen, describing the smell and texture, or hiding small objects you can use to cover up the prompts in the drill cards. Even better, put small pieces of paper with numbers on them to tell them how many repetitions they have to do! 
If It's Snowy and You Know It by Kim Norman is my personal favorite to use with these cards. Other options might be:
  • Sneezy the Snowman
  • There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow 
  • A Loud Winter's Nap
  • How to Catch A Snowman

I have found when you simplify your prep and pair it with a fun activity, you and your students have an easier time coming back to school after the holiday break!

Happy speeching! 
👇🏼 Save this image to Pinterest so you can refer back to it later! 👇🏼

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