Incorporating Technology into your Speech Sessions
Hi friends!
Remember the excitement you would feel when your teacher would roll that big clunky television out from the AV room and have it at the front of the class? I’m pretty sure we all sat up a little straighter and were a lot more intrigued as opposed to seeing the Pythagorean Theorem up there again.
Ever wish you could get that kind of buy-in during speech?
While our sessions aren’t long enough for a full-length movie, I finally found a resource that provokes the same reaction AND lets me address therapy goals, so I HAD to share it with you!
A tool I LOVE using for speech sessions that need a little bit more pep is EdPuzzle! It’s completely free for educators and students with your school account, and has TONS of videos with questions already included for inferencing, answering “wh” questions, predicting, and more.
Don’t want to sign up for another account?
Totally ok!
Another strategy I love using is watching Pixar shorts with questions I make up on my own. They’re quick enough to get through in one 30 minute session, while also answering the questions I made up prior (or even on the spot!).
While incorporating technology is always a little daunting, in our field we are already learning so much about visual stimulation helping some students with regulation. Plus, using materials in multiple modalities helps with generalizing skills across many types of activities and demands.
Let me know in the comments below if you use either of these platforms of if you have a favorite way to incorporate tech into your speech sessions!
Happy speeching!
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