How To Target Auditory Memory so your Clients Thrive at Home and School!
Hey speech friend! 👋🏼
Have you ever been in an IEP meeting where the all of the adults around the table are trying to figure out why a child is struggling in the classroom, not following directions, and immediately losing any knowledge…
Meanwhile, you know EXACTLY what needs to be addressed because you're an SLP?
It's Auditory Memory! 💭
We know that auditory memory is essential for absorbing spoken language, and if this skill is lacking it can lead to:
- Issues with understanding verbal directions across all contexts
- Understanding concepts presented orally
- Difficulty processing and assimilating new knowledge into our working memory
- Increased frustration with solving problems
- Executive function deficits
So what can we do to help improve auditory memory?
Here's the strategies I pair with my Auditory Memory tools to really increase this area so that we can see our clients succeed 🙌🏼
📌 Verbal Rehearsal – repeating words or numbers, either out loud or in our head
📌 Elaborative Rehearsal – Using prior knowledge with the new information to create stories, sentences, or relationships that make them easier to recall.
📌 Chunking – Grouping units of information together so they are easier to remember
📌 Relational Strategies – Using mnemonics, imagery, and elaboration to make the words or numbers more relatable and easier to remember (Remember My Very Energetic Mother Just Made Us Nine Pizzas from elementary school planets?!)
And as for those Auditory Memory Tools?
I love using my Auditory Memory Targets & Visual strips!
This auditory memory resource provide SLPs with comprehensive visual sentence strips for the following auditory processing skills: recalling sentences, recalling related and unrelated words and recalling number sequences that are leveled for a student's specific needs.
This resource includes:
- Recalling sentences visual sentence strips: 3 words to 10 words
- Recalling related words: 3 words to 6 words
- Recalling unrelated words: 3 words to 6 words
- Recalling number sequences: 3 numbers to 6 numbers
- Data sheets for all
- Decorative cover strips for all
And the best news yet? It now includes a digital component so you can use it with your teletherapy kids too! 🙌🏼
Supporting your clients in building their auditory memory is simple when you use these tips and tools! I hope that by using them, you can equip your students with the skills they need to be successful.
Happy speeching!
👇🏼 Save this image to Pinterest so you can refer back to it later! 👇🏼