Why Homework Matters in Speech Therapy Progress
Hey speech friend! 👋🏼
A few quick questions for you. Are you…
- Currently looking at the size of your caseload and thinking that some of these kids are sooooo close to making goals but just aren't there yet?
- Thinking that said caseload is CRAZY high in numbers?
- Twiddling your thumbs a bit because everyone is doing professional development and you're stuck in your classroom/speech closet wondering what to do?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have the solution for you!
One word.....homework 📝
Now before you roll your eyes! I know you're being bombarded with a ton of things to do right now, but hear me out: we gotta reach those goals and discharge kids. That's literally our job, and with the booming caseloads we have, it's essential that our therapy become more effective and efficient, FASTER. And how to do we do that? By giving speech homework of course.
Why I'm a big fan of homework as an SLP:
- Motor Planning Practice: For your speech students (articulation, phonology, apraxia), they NEED the extra practice to get that motor plan down. Twice a week isn't going to cut it!
- Parent Buy-In: I hear so many stories of parents not knowing what their kids are working on in speech sessions! By sending home homework, they can see it and practice it at home too.
- Language Opportunities: Whether you see a child individually or in a group, they can always benefit from more opportunities and exposure to language. Homework provides that!
Not all homework is created equal!
Everyone is so busy! That's why we need homework that is:
- Engaging
- Easy to Prep (as in, roll off a few from the printer in a few seconds)
- Effective
- Quick (Parents and kids are more likely to do it if it doesn't take HOURS-a simple 5 minutes will make a tremendous difference!)
And if you need some quick and easy homework to use, check out my Speech Therapy Homework Bundle!
Start the year off right and end it with crazy progress by implementing speech homework/carryover. I promise you will see the difference!
Happy speeching!
👇🏼 Save this image to Pinterest so you can refer back to it later! 👇🏼