An Easy Fall Themed SLP Lesson Plan 🍁
Raise Your Hand If…
-Your caseload is out.of.control.
-Your kids are sick
-The kids at school are also sick
-You are surviving on coffee, dry shampoo, and the promise of a day off due to the holidays coming up
Because…SAME 😅
Believe me, it's NOT easy this time of year for us speech therapists. We juggle so many different jobs and it seems like just when our personal to-do lists seem to increase, so do our job demands!
I'm showing you below what I'll be doing in the upcoming week to handle therapy while keeping it simple and low-prep!
My Fall Themed Therapy Plan 🍁

Book- The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall. I love this book because it's fantastic for sequencing, hands-on-activities with play food, and is a great conversation starter about different foods we bake/eat. You can grab it from Amazon or borrow it from your local library!
Extension Activity- This cutie Fall Language Stuffer Craft pictured below! My caseload kids LOVE crafts and I love that we can use them for more than one session. These include language and articulation targets so I love that I can use it with so much of my caseload. OTs also love when we incorporate this craft because of all the fine motor skills required. Win win!

This time of year can be CRAZY for SLPs (& everyone, honestly!). Use this simple lesson plan with your caseload this week to help make it a little simpler 🙌🏼
Happy speeching!

👇🏼 Save this image to Pinterest so you can refer back to it later! 👇🏼